
Dtsearch anchors
Dtsearch anchors

dtsearch anchors

Search options include synonym/concept/thesaurus, fuzziness adjustable from 0 to 10, Boolean, phrase, wildcard, proximity, stemming, numeric range, regular expressions, natural language relevancy-ranked by hit density and rarity, and variable term weighting.Provides API access to over twenty five precision search options: Extensive sample source code: function-call interface for C++ and Visual C++, JNI for Java.

dtsearch anchors

Advanced multi-threaded operation – see Intel Partner Success Story.NET Standard/.NET Core API this component has no GUI Developer library for C++, Java and/or.dtSearch Desktop, dtSearch Network, dtSearch Publish, and dtSearch Web all use the same dtSearch Engine technology that is licensed to developers.Hundreds of commercial applications incorporate the dtSearch Engine – see Case Studies page.dtSearch Corp has been producing search and retrieval software since 1991.Royalty-free and royalty based licensing for applications from a single-server to high volume distribution in your own products

Dtsearch anchors